Guru Arjan Dev Ji - 5th Sikh Guru

Guru Arjan Dev Ji was Guru Ram Das Ji and Bibi Bhani Ji's son (the daughter of Guru Amar Das Ji). He was the fifth Sikh Guru and the first to be martyred. Among his accomplishments is the completion of the Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple) in Amritsar, India.

Guru Har Krishan Ji was born in the house of Guru Har Rai Ji and Mata Krishan Ji in Kiratpur Sahib on 14th July, 1656 AD. Baba Ram Rai Ji was Guru Ji's elder brother. Guru Har Krishan Ji received Guruship at Kiratpur Sahib on November 8, 1661 AD. Guru Har Krishan Ji became the youngest Sikh Guru at the age of five, with the shortest period of Guruship of only 2 years and 5 months. Guru Har Rai Ji's Joti Jot and Guru Har Krishan Ji's Guruship both fall on the same day.


Guru Arjan Dev Ji was always willing to help others. He assisted the poor, treated the sick, and constructed leprosy hospitals. He found ways to help anyone who needed it. A group of Sikh travelers from Kabul, Afghanistan, once camped outside Amritsar, where Guru Arjan Dev Ji lived. Guru Arjan Dev Ji personally went out to their campsite with food and water when he heard they were nearby. He served these tired travelers without their knowledge, even washing their feet. When the travelers arrived in Amritsar the next day, they met Guru Ji and realized he was the one who served them. They were astounded by his devotion to seva and radical equality, which he modelled through his kindness and reverence for them.


Guru Arjan Dev Ji's mission included a strong emphasis on equality. He designed the Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple) to have four entrances facing each of the four directions (North, South, East, and West). As a result, the temple was accessible from any direction. As he stated, “My faith is for the people of all castes and all creeds from whichever direction they come and to whichever direction they bow." This was a bold claim at the time, when religious persecution and forced conversions were common. Guru Arjan Dev Ji, on the other hand, truly believed that "when all are born of the same light, how can some be good and others bad?"


Guru Arjan Dev Ji encouraged Sikhs to begin the practice of offering a dasvandh in order to build Harmandir Sahib (donation). The Sikhs were asked to set aside ten percent of their earnings to help fund the construction. Guru Arjan Dev Ji continued to encourage all Sikhs to give 10% of their earnings to charities as an act of Seva after the city and Harmandir Sahib were established. The act of offering a dasvandh promotes generosity and selfless service. It ensures that charitable work is funded and that those in need are reached.


Emperor Jahangir was enraged by Guru Arjan Dev Ji's expansion of the Sikh faith and the teachings he added to the Adi Granth (the Sikh holy book at the time). Guru Arjan Dev Ji was imprisoned and tortured for five days after refusing to convert. Guru Ji received no food or water on the first day. Guru Ji was forbidden from sleeping. Guru Ji was made to sit in a copper vessel full of water on the second day. The emperor started a fire, and the resulting boiling water burned Guru Ji's skin. On the third day Guru Ji was compelled to take a seat on the Tati Tavi (burning iron plate). People poured hot sand on their head and body. Regardless, Guru Ji maintained his calm and continued to recite Naam and Shabads.

Guru Arjan Dev Ji requested a bath in the Ravi River on the fifth day. The emperor agreed, believing that the water would aggravate the wounds. Crowds watched as Guru Ji dove into the river and waited for him to emerge, but he never did. Guru Ji’s body was never recovered after their bath in the river. Their Jyoti Jot (passing away) occurred on May 25, 1606 AD. Today, Gurdwara Dera Sahib marks the location of this Shaheedi (martyrdom).